The Matrix of life, Aliens, Time Travel, Ghosts, Secrets of the Universe, Stargates, Understanding our spiritual growth, Cryptids, Krazy News, Life after Death,......and the just plain WEIRD but TRUE stories in our world.
It all gets talked about here, sit back,...get comfortable and READ THE ROLLER COASTER RIDE. There is so much MORE to this world than what you see!
Permission was telepathically granted to re-relay the following important message to humanity from the others,......
As you look all around you, the very air seems to crackle and move the hair on your arms with the extreme alters you perceive.
Your intuition and sixth sense are growing at a very rapid and necessary pace.
The elements of CHANGE are here and you need to know that HIGHER INTELLIGENCE is steering your path. When you experience a deep feeling of peace and your mind feels whole upon these thoughts they are being empowered by the beings of appreciation.
YOU who feel these powerful emotions are an ABLE PLAYER who wishes to know these universal secrets, yet you are obscured by the tricks of the dark side at every turn.
Know this first,.... love binds us all together, we ARE a family,.... and WE are all in this TOGETHER.
You are in the shift of ages, the great unwinding.
Of course those who are aware know the changes have been occuring since the marker of 2012, when the turning stopped and the fast unwind started.
The evolutionary breakthrough the new conscious awareness is achieved and lived by those way showers , who are on the leading edge, who are on the QUEST and accept this destiny given to them by the TEACHERS OF LIGHT.
Way showers are awakened and bring forth the NEW LIGHT, wherein you build the foundation for the new world, which is the future VISION,..... and our new reality.
The truth lies with these metaphors,... evolves with the fullness of this reality, so that you may speak with the amplitude and character saying to the people of our world who have lost direction that there IS a path to a greater existence and YOU must point to the way.
You are listening to the collective force of empowerment and you must intimate to others that they must pay heed to the timing of this lesson, for there are great works to behold.
You are fulfilling a plan that was directed into the world, YOU are many days and years ahead of schedule.
The imbalances and pollutions are active,....there are free radicals on our physical human earth Eco-system but also the electromagnetic propagation of waves of force affecting the mental emotional system that is seen through our micro waves, electromagnetism and continual bombardment of cosmic rays.
In addition the third, fourth, and fifth dimensional structures are seeing the physical systems being overrun by telepathic, emphatic, psychic expansions of awareness which are breaking the old barriers.
As these walls continue to break down the openness to the complete oneness, is a marking of the awareness of the leaders of the intentional, evolutionary movement.
The paradigm of this universe, is to expand into ever increasing fulfillment of the quest of light, to experience and enlighten the path into the unknown. Those who walk with the MASTERS understand that this is a conscious development system, and a teacher on the leading edge is to walk into the frontier and to map the unknown.
You are to be a HERO to others and hold the mantel of the KING.
You are to know from the heart the pathway to FREEDOM. You are to lead and to lead those who have been trapped in their minds by the dark master,.. also known as the dark side.
Help them distinguish the revelations from the propaganda.
We are being sneakily misdirected by the dark side who are in control of some of what are known as the truth walkers, as they slip deceit into truth and lead you down dead end roads and lead you into nothingness.
Choose your truth speakers well.
As you seek, so you will find.
There are many who speak the collective vision, for many members of the family of light came to earth in her great time of need and there are numerous voices. There are divine forces of powers that have the intent of the greater good, and in this KNOWING,.... you are walking with the angels and the teachers of light.
The change will flower into fullness and manifestation on every level until the world rises UP. There will be an absolute and total rearrangement of the world which follows the prevalent thoughts of the KINDRED. NO LONGER will humanity be caught by the elitist few and their power over others.
There power is waning rapidly.
IT IS THE COLLECTIVE POWER OF THE KINDRED, FOR THEY ARE THE CONSTITUENCY WHICH SHALL CHANGE THE PLANET TOWARDS THE LIGHT AND BRING FORTH HIGHER DIMENSIONAL TECHNOLOGY, SO THE PLANET CAN SURVIVE AND BRING FORTH NEW FOUNDATIONS. You were born to this rare time for a husky purpose and so many others have also been. This is why when you speak of the KINDRED, this is your OBLIGATION and joy to preform the function to FIND and create relationships. To go from powerlessness and despair to joy and knowledge and creative empowerment. You are that which you are, and that which you are is complete omnificence,... empowered to be greater and greater,.... and to expand with more and more wisdom, power and awareness is your RIGHT AND DUTY.
The DHARMA of your life and the KARMA which has been created so that you will reach resolution in THIS lifetime.
There are MORE to be awakened and help them with a serious resolve to do so at a faster pace. Time is of the essence.
The resistance to the need for change and HEALING in our world can NOT be understated.
TIMINGS FOR THIS EVOLUTION ARE SET AND WILL OCCUR and if they are held up by redolence the shifting can be more DETERMINED and with less care rather than a soft gentle approach of the awakening sun OR more like the crack of thunder,..... and the strike of lightening,.... the winds of hurricanes,....... and the power of earthquakes. THE RUMBLING OF THE EARTH SHOULD NOT BE DISREGARDED FOR SHE WISHES THAT THESE CHANGES OCCUR WITH INCREASING SPEED AND EFFECTIVENESS.
There is great need for relevance to the needs of evolution and balance in this time that is ready for it's COMPLETION IN SHIFT.
Of YOU who have heard this message and know that you are of the KINDRED,.... then it is time for you to begin the messaging to the others,.... who wish to follow your lead and walk the path that is designed for humanity and the INFINITY of the mind and heart opening up with the galaxy,........